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Fox Pre-Fuel Powdered Pre-Spray Concentrate
Fox Pre-Fuel Powdered Pre-Spray Concentrate
Fox Pre-Fuel Powdered Pre-Spray Concentrate

Fox Pre-Fuel Powdered Pre-Spray Concentrate

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The Pre-Fuel is made to be the "fuel" you need to pre-treat the carpet before you fire up the machine. It is the "workhorse" of your cleaning. But, what makes it different? Made from technology not available before, the driving force of this product is a food-based surfactant (detergent) that is twelve times more powerful than previous surfactants. So, it does more work while taking up less space. Furthermore, Pre Fuel is fortified with Citrus to remove oil-based stains. The Citrus we add to our launching fuel is 100% organic and is food grade and purchased directly from farmers. We've added oxygen to the Pre-Fuel to remove those organic stains like coffee, urine, and wine with your pre-spray alone. While we were at it, we decided to boost the cleaning performance by adding naturally grown enzymes that remove and digest your protein-based stains.


Super-concentrado. Contiene: Tensoactivos, Citrico, Oxigeno y Disolventes de Grasa. pH < 10 Como rocio previo: Usando una pistola pulverizadora de inflar, anadir 1/2 oz con 1 galon de agua. Con un hydroforce normal (1:9), anadir 4 oz y el resto agua. Diluir segun sea necesario. Como detergente: Para truck-mounts, anadir 4 a 6 en "stock" de 5 galones. No usar agua hirviente (>180 grados Fahrenheit). agitar levemente antes de usar. Evitar usar recipientes hermeticos. Si hace falta, hacer un pequeno agujuero en la parte superior de su hydroforce.


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Fox Pre-Fuel Safety Data Sheet